Join our global community where support and assistance create meaningful connections.

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For Help Seekers

Help Seekers share their needs via Help Requests with a community ready to assist!

For Helpers

As Helper on Cosmopolis, you have the privilege of forging meaningful connections with those in need, extending to them a supportive hand in their moments of vulnerability.

For Companies

Companies on Cosmopolis can meet NGOs, engage skilled volunteers to support help seekers, hire those who are ready and amplify their impact.

For NGOs

NGOs on Cosmopolis help to mobilize volunteers, access resources, and extend their reach. Collaborate with a dedicated community to drive impactful projects and support those in need.

Changemaker Spotlight

Meet one of the prominent helpers who support the most in a Cosmopolis region

“At the Zambezi Impact Foundation, we are purposefully harnessing technology from the Fifth Industrial Revolution – AI, machine learning, cloud, robotics, IoT – for its utility and impact to achieve symbiosis between humanity and the planet. My team and I are active helpers on Cosmopolis who collaborate with help seekers across Africa to extend our impact effectively.”

Bastiaan den Braber
Founder of the Zambezi Impact Foundation
Cosmopolis partners with Improvability AI to drive global change Read More →

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Our mission is to create a vibrant community where helpers and help seekers come together to uplift, support and transform lives.